big time cat fancier



Helpy Helperson (not helpy helperton)

i am not here
to make you feel good

(the awful sting)(little worries)

the crumpled note
a paragraph of commas


i stack all these things on my eyes
the roof of my mouth
the scaffolding

(lord let us be)

we are still so drinking
holes in our shoes and tigers on our slacks

we drown to say anything
we fill drums with verbs and medicine

to speak chimneys and volume
such tiny threading


Helpy, do you know
why field-trippers were trampled,
scabbed back and treaded upon
up at the zoo that one day?

The spangled tripling of notes
jumping on table limping about the shudders

i thought you all were listening,

to the beat of wings
or cloud parting


a trip to the Catskills

unwind and release
built upon pressures

i.e. divorce, breakup, separation

All the winners must pay
for transportation and lodging
Deer tears, ghost fogged lenses,
a map of great lakes, and the lines that follow


The flooded gutters
and the misshaped bee hive strokes of forgetting
A third party (healthy) has no power

dissecting the family
4 become 2
2 become 1

a house
just that
wind &


to break children (up)
into the pieces of sand and rubber
to clean house with it

not to be in this country for 15 years

1 comment:

  1. This is so very sad.

    The stanza about breaking the children up into sand and rubber-so sad and lovely.
