She was shocked by the purity
of command and smoked till
she pukes. An elevator is different
everywhere. We get glasses on our
glasses. How is the difference the
game? She is the folk song
parring our if's and oh so
sorry's? Often the chagrin of
our fathers. Hula out Diane, no
one listens to the RADIO!
Awkward dildo fight uphill. Says
this peanut butter is to think.
Knows that, precious. We made
constellations with our fingertip.
Notarized best for lying. Awful love.
Lovers are not only not best. How
does watching the fuck make
you feel?
Notice how a sparrow is like
porn, hollow bones, weightless
triumphant. A chemical mix up
they say. Diane have you ever
stopped hearing.
The dragon and beast at dawn
alone fidgeting, high as shit
on the shore. "Don't piss me
off Tina Turner." The younger
one tells the moon
about younger pilot, left
to breathe the long wind.
The triumph of letters. On top
of it the Concord crashes
into the unending deep. A fish
sings to the dead, allowed no
connection like that one movie.
With Murder She Wrote.
No telling how steep it is. He
holds the heaviest marbles. "I
sink to know you." Slipping
in to the brine & black.
Annexed Birds
Broke Suzanne
pack of beer, holds the
timberline in folds and shits
on beached cars near bottled bridge
in the lungs of Brooklyn
as if tires don't mean moving
Notice the wingspan & breasts
holding craftsmen together
wanting to be known to anything
the fish
pimple to
know limits
& know figures
mythos & fact
as if different
Pisses on intellectual magma
and let hell know of indifference
rules around naming & knowing
too bend in flight and
come out again
There is no linear expectation
in the art of borrow
we never expected to sully
the dead and damaged
Mute allies finger to be
and overpopulation reeks
takes a nap through Nov.
Broke Suzanne
her mother and swallows
"Forgive the change in
the willows and laundromats
this language means
no offense just awkward
means to offsetting the
loneliness of flight"
In flight she breaks down
know the trellises of being
singular and afraid
a branch
a birch
a sparrow
a knotted hollow
clouds like sawdust and
part of a horse drawn
oh golly, this brings me joy